2 years Back to Basics

Today is our 2 year anniversary of buying our dream property. We packed up our house and moved out to a 12×12 cabin on 76 acres in East Texas. God was using this opportunity to stretch us and remind us what is important. At first the challenges were technical. We had to learn to drive a tractor, buy equipment to clear the land and find local people to help us bale hay and take down old trees,etc. We then had to build a comfortable living quarters, building a deck and painting the cabin.Next it was the job of clearing paths and overgrown vines.  But in all of the trials we have found such peace. Pulling in to the gate brings a smile to my face and by the time I drive or walk the long country road to the cabin all the tension has slipped away.

The simple life has really put emphasis on relationships, nature and family. We wake early and take a long walk to the pasture to watch  the sun rise every morning. I spend alot of time in meditation and praying. I found it easy to be close to God when surrounded by so much beauty and in the quiet I can hear his call on my heart. We then work in the garden, on tractor mowing, fixing fences, hauling wood or whatever farm projects that are needed. It is a simple but busy life and by dark you fall into bed with a smile and contentment.

No television, computer or phone are there to distract. Our friends are the birds, frogs and coyotes.  Our music is the wind in the trees,frogs at night or babbling water fountain. It is perfect. It is simple. I AM BLESSED!